
 Human Machine Interface Market To Value US$ 12,717.9 Million by 2027  

    到    2027     年,人机界面市场价值将达       127.179       亿美元    

 The Global Human Machine Interface Market, is expected to be valued at US$ 12,717.9 million by 2027, exhibiting a CAGR of 10.8% during the forecast period (2020-2027), as highlighted in a report published by Coherent Market Insights.  

 Coherent Market Insights     发布的报告强调,预计到       2027       年,全球人机界面市场将达       127.179       亿美元,在预测期内(       2020-2027       年)表现出       10.8%       的复合年增长率。    

 Positive outlook of manufacturing industries is expected to propel the global human machine interface market growth over the forecast period.  



 Improving financial position after recession in 2009 and economic slowdown during 2011-2012 is influencing global manufacturers to invest in this technology. Rising output of manufacturing and processing industries such as oil & gas, automotive manufacturers, pharmaceuticals, metal and mining, etc. is expected to boost the regional market growth in Asia Pacific and South America. According to Organisation Internationale des Constructeursd     ’       Automobiles (OICA), in 2013, the global vehicle production increased to 87.2 million units, with increase of 3.6% as compared to 2012. Countries across the world are planning to have more electric vehicles on the road, owing to rising fuel prices and the need to reduce CO2 emission. According to International Energy Agency, the global annual production of electric vehicles is expected to reach 7 million units by 2020 from the current 1 million units per year. As a result of this, the demand for HMI is increasing in automobile sector. Therefore, these factors are expected to propel the global human machine interface market growth over the forecast period.    

    在    2009     年经济衰退和       2011-2012       年经济放缓之后,财务状况的改善正在影响全球制造商对这项技术的投资。石油和天然气、汽车制造商、制药、金属和采矿等制造和加工行业的产量不断上升,预计将推动亚太地区和南美区域市场增长。据国际汽车制造商协会(       OICA       )统计,       2013       年全球汽车产量增至       8720       万辆,较       2012       年增长       3.6%       。由于燃料价格的上涨和减少二氧化碳排放的需要,世界各国都在计划让更多的电动汽车上路。根据国际能源署的数据,预计到       2020       年,全球电动汽车的年产量将从目前每年       100       万辆达到       700       万辆。受此影响,汽车行业对人机界面的需求也在不断增加。因此,这些因素有望在预测期内推动全球人机界面市场的增长。    

 Complex graphics design of HMI software is expected to hamper the global human machine interface market growth over the forecast period.  


 Designing human machine interface software graphics is a complex process. It requires skilled personnel and robust infrastructure. Moreover, designing graphics for HMI software requires significant capital to invest, while the software needs to be upgraded on a timely basis. Therefore, these factors are expected to hamper the global human machine interface market growth over the forecast period.  


 Market Trends: North America  

 Among regions, North America is expected to witness significant growth in the global human machine interface market during the forecast period. This is owing to rising focus of key players on R&D activities of HMI systems across the region. Furthermore, rising adoption of HMI systems in the food processing sector is expected to drive growth of the regional market growth over the forecast period.  



 Market Trends: Europe  

 Europe is expected to register a robust growth rate in the global human machine interface market during the forecast period. This is owing to rising automation in food and beverage sector in the U.K. Moreover, growing adoption of advanced technologies in automobile industry is expected to boost the regional market growth over the forecast period.  



 Global HMI market: Impact of coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic  

 Due to Covid-19 pandemic, many industries witnessed significant shift in their business. The global electronics devices market is expected to be impacted by COVID-19, as China is one of the major suppliers for the raw materials that are used in the manufacturing of electronics devices as well as in the finished products. The industry is facing huge loss due to slowdown in the production, disruption in supply, and price fluctuations. The sales of prominent electronic companies is expected to be affected in the near future. This will decrease the demand for human machine interface market.  



 In long term global human machine interface market, is expected to increase at slower pace, this is owing to decrease in the automotive sales in the global market. To reduce this negative impact, various governments are taking preventive measures. For instance, in Vietnam government decided to reduce the vehicle registration fees to 50% till end of year 2020, which will reduce the overall price of automotive vehicle. This will going to help to increase the automotive sales, which will further help human machine interface market to grow.  

    从长远来看,全球人机界面市场预计将以较慢的速度增长,这是由于全球市场中汽车销量的减少。为了降低这种负面影响,各国政府正在采取预防措施。例如,越南政府决定在    2020     年底前将车辆登记费降低       50%       ,这将降低汽车的整体价格,有助于提高汽车销量,从而进一步帮助人机界面市场的增长。    

 Competitive section  

 Key players operating in the global human machine interface market are ABB Ltd., General Electric Company, Advantech Co., Ltd., Emerson Electric Corporation, Atmel Corporation, Eaton Corporation, American Industrial Systems, Inc., BARTEC Top Holding GmbH, and Beijer Electronics, Inc.  


    在全球人机界面市场运营的主要企业包括    ABB     、通用电气、研华、艾默生电气、爱特梅尔司、伊顿、美国工业系统、博太科和北尔电子。  



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