以太坊区块链使用修改后的Merkle Patricia树进行状态认证。这使区块链节点在每个区块的整个区块链状态上达成共识,并使轻客户端可以为任何状态信息创建Merkle证明。
但是自以太坊初期以来就可以进行状态Merkle证明验证,但直到最近才将其添加到JSON RPC A PI 中,因此很高兴看到更多应用程序利用此功能。
存储 Merkle证明仅对特定的trie root(即特定状态)有效。因此用户或轻客户端应用程序应该通过运行轻客户端或信任由多个证明方进行多重签名的状态根来信任该状态根:更安全。
Web3.py尚不支持eth_getProof,因为在撰写本文时并未合并PR。因此可以改用web3.py的这个fork:https://github.com/pao uv rard/web3.py/tree/EIP-1186-eth_getProof
Web3.py连接到以太坊节点,并通过JSON RPC或IPC API eth_getProof进行状态查询并提供证明。
contract Proof {
string public gree ti ng;
mapping (address =》 uint) public my_map;
constructor() public {
greeting = ‘Hello’;
my_map[msg.sender] = 33333;
验证“ greeting”和“ my_map”的存储证明:
f rom web3 import Web3, IPCProvider
from web3. mi ddleware import geth_poa_middleware
from web3._utils.proof import ver if y_eth_getProof, storage_position
w3 = Web3(IPCProvider(。..))
w3.middleware_stack.inject(geth_poa_middleware, layer=0)
w3.eth.defaultAccount = Web3.toChecksumAddress(‘0x.。.’)
block = w3.eth.getBlock(‘la te st’)
greeting = “0x0”
my_map_sender = storage_position(w3.eth.defaultAccount, “0x1”)
proof = w3.eth.getProof(contract_addr, [greeting, my_map_sender], block.number)
is_valid_proof = verify_eth_getProof(proof, block.stateRoot)
通过上面的脚本,我们现在可以构建和验证帐户和合约变量的状态Merkle证明。 请注意,verify_eth_getProof(…)仅验证包含证明,并且如果包含排除证明,则将返回False。 可以通过eth.getProof(。..)返回的“proof”对象来验证排除情况。
合约变量如何存储在Patricia trie中?
为了存储变量,EVM根据合约中定义变量的位置使用key:keccack(Left Pad 32(key,0),LeftPad32(map position,0))。 此处有更多详细信息:https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/JSON-RP C# eth_getstorageat。
作为比较,Aergo Lua VM在trie中使用key存储变量状态信息:hash(bytes(“ __ sv __” + variable_name + [“-”,var_index],‘utf-8’)),其中var_u index是可选的,用于映射的键或数组的索引。
下面的代码通过迭代验证节点(上图中的extension、branch、leaf…)来验证key值和expected_value。 如果Expected_value等于证明中包含的值,则返回true。
def _verify(expected_root, key, proof, key_index, proof_index, expected_value):
‘’‘ Iterate the proof following the key.
Return True if the value at the leaf is equal to the expected value.
@pa ram expected_root is the expected root of the current proof node.
@param key is the key for which we are proving the value.
@param proof is the proof the key nibbles as path.
@param key_index keeps track of the index while stepping through
the key nibbles.
@param proof_index keeps track of the index while stepping through
the proof nodes.
@param expected_value is the key’s value expected to be stored in
the last node (leaf node) of the proof.
node = proof[proof_index]
dec = rlp.decode(node)
if key_index == 0:
# trie root is always a hash
assert keccak(node) == expected_root
elif len(node) 《 32:
# if rlp 《 32 bytes, then it is not hashed
assert dec == expected_root
assert keccak(node) == expected_root
if len(dec) == 17:
# branch node
if key_index 》= len(key):
if dec[-1] == expected_value:
# value stored in the branch
return True
new_expected_root = dec[nibble_to_number[key[key_index]]]
if new_expected_root != b’‘:
return _verify(new_expected_root, key, proof, key_index + 1, proof_index + 1,
elif len(dec) == 2:
# leaf or extension node
# get prefix and optional nibble from the fi rs t byte
(prefix, nibble) = dec[0][:1].hex()
if prefix == ’2‘:
# even leaf node
key_end = dec[0][1:].hex()
if key_end == key[key_index:] and expected_value == dec[1]:
return True
elif prefix == ’3‘:
# odd leaf node
key_end = nibble + dec[0][1:].hex()
if key_end == key[key_index:] and expected_value == dec[1]:
return True
elif prefix == ’0‘:
# even extension node
shared_nibbles = dec[0][1:].hex()
extension_length = len(shared_nibbles)
if shared_nibbles == key[key_index:key_index + extension_length]:
new_expected_root = dec[1]
return _verify(new_expected_root, key, proof,
key_index + extension_length, proof_index + 1,
elif prefix == ’1‘:
# odd extension node
shared_nibbles = nibble + dec[0][1:].hex()
extension_length = len(shared_nibbles)
if shared_nibbles == key[key_index:key_index + extension_length]:
new_expected_root = dec[1]
return _verify(new_expected_root, key, proof,
key_index + extension_length, proof_index + 1,
# This should not be reached if the proof has the correct format
assert False
return True if expected_value == b’‘ else False
这是一个关于如何使用包含/排除证明(inclusion/exclusion)来查询Solidity合约变量的快速概述。 eth_getStorageAt和eth_getProof实际上消除了在合约代码中定义getter的需要,因为getProof API直接查询了trie状态 数据库 (获取另一个合约变量的合约仍然需要getter)。