
 TI 公司的DLP4500数字微镜器件 (DMD)是一款数控 MOEMS(微光机电系统)空间照明调制器(SLM),可锁存,电进/光出半导体器件。DLP4500可生成具有速度,精度和效率的光发射图样,非常适合于使用结构光的3D扫描或度量,扩增实境,显微镜,医疗仪器和光谱分析等应用。本文介绍了DLP4500主要特性,框图和典型系统框图以及其DLP 3D打印机主要特性,框图,电路图和材料清单.

The DLP4500 digital micromirror device (DMD) is a digitally controlled MOEMS (micro-opto-electromechanical system) spa  TI al light modulator (SLM). When coupled to an appropriate op  TI cal system, the DLP4500 can be used to modulate the amplitude and/or direc  TI on of incoming light.  The DLP4500 creates light patterns with speed, precision, and efficiency.

Architecturally, the DLP4500 is a latchable, electrical-in/optical-out semiconductor device. This architecture makes the DLP4500 well suited for use in applications such as 3D scanning or metrology with structured light, augmented reality, microscopy, medical instruments, and spectroscopy. The compact physical size of the DLP4500 is well-suited for portable equipment where small form factor and lower cost are important.  The compact package compliments the small size of LEDs to enable highly efficient, robust light engines.

The DLP4500 is one of two devices in the DLP 0.45 WXGA chip set (see ). Proper function and reliable operation of the DLP4500 requires that it be used in conjunction with the DLPC350 controller. See the DLP 0.45 WXGA Chip-set data sheet (TI literature number DLPU009) for further details. shows a typical system application using the DLP 0.45-inch WXGA chip set.


0.45-Inch (11.43 mm) Diagonal Micromirror Array
912 × 1140 Array of Aluminum, Micrometer-Sized Mirrors
7.6-µm Micromirror Pitch
±12° Micromirror Tilt Angle (Relative to Flat State)
Side Illumination for Optimized Efficiency
3-µs Micromirror Cross Over Time
Highly Efficient in Visible Light (420 nm–700 nm):
Window Transmission 97% (Single Pass, Through Two Window Surfaces)
Micromirror Reflectivity 89.4%
Array Diffraction Efficiency 86%
Array Fill Factor 92%
Polarization Independent
Up to WXGA Resolution (1280 x 800) Wide Aspect Ratio Display
24-Bit, Double Data Rate (DDR) Input Data Bus
80-MHz to 120-MHz Input Data Clock Rate
Integrated Micromirror Driver Circuitry
Supports –10 °C to 70 °C
9.1mm-x 20.7-mm Package Footprint
Available in package FQE (up to 200 Lumens)
Available in package FQD (up to 500 Lumens)
Dedicated DLPC350 Controller for Reliable Operation



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